Thursday, November 28, 2013


Ada SUARA yang tidak terdengar oleh telinga, itulah SUARA HATI.

Ada BENTUK yang tidak terlihat oleh mata, itulah PIKIRAN.

Ada AROMA yang tidak tercium oleh hidung, itulah KEBAJIKAN.

Ada RASA yang tidak terkecap oleh lidah, itulah KETULUSAN.

Ada SENTUHAN yang tidak teraba oleh kulit, itulah KASIH SAYANG.

Ada KONDISI BATIN yang tidak terpikir oleh pikiran, itulah KESADARAN.

Orang yang KUAT adalah:

- Orang yang DAPAT BERSERAH saat kekuatiran datang;•

- Orang yang DAPAT MENGENDALIKAN DIRI saat amarah menyerang;•

- Orang yang DAPAT BERSYUKUR di saat kekecewaan tak kunjung reda;•

- Orang yang DAPAT TERSENYUM pada saat terluka.•

- Orang yang DAPAT BANGKIT saat terjatuh.

Jika dalam hidup ini kita selalu:

• Memancarkan CINTA KASIH, maka kita akan diSAYANGI.

• BERMURAH HATI, maka kita pun akan MURAH REJEKI.

• BERWELAS ASIH, maka di manapun kita akan TERLINDUNGI.

• JUJUR, maka kita akan menjadi org yg DIPERCAYA.

• RENDAH HATI, maka kita akan menjadi org yg DISEGANI.

• SEMANGAT, maka kita akan selalu MENGINSPIRASI.

• BIJAKSANA, maka kita akan banyak meraih SIMPATI

☞ Hidup ini singkat, jangan digunakan untuk berdebat, lebih baik jaga martabat agar hidup menjadi berkat.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Be Grateful ♥

I just wanna thanks God for everything i have. i'm so grateful for this beautiful life. i know i'm not a good person. i seldom go to church, sometimes i forgot to pray but still, i'm so grateful and proud to be a Christian and having Jesus as my God.

Even i can't see Him, i know He's always here with me, beside me, everytime, everywhere. He always cheer me up when i'm down, always help me when He know i can't face my problems anymore.

why i wrote about this? well, I've been so frustrated this past few days. i have my own family problem which i can't tell everyone, even my besties. i just feel like i'm so doomed. i don't know what to do anymore. it's my family problem, and i can't discuss this with my Mom, cause i know, she's already stressed with this and i don't wanna adds the load to her anymore.

I feel so confused. my family problem, my college, my work, everything! i felt like the problem comes to me all at once. i don't know what i should do, till i remember a video about God, i watched it last month and honestly, i'm touched. really really touched.

This is the video, feel free to watch :

i do realize that God always be with me all the time, beside me, everytime, no matter what happen. Then i start to pray, i tell God everything i face about, my family problem, my financial problem, my college problem, what i worry about, everything. after that, well, i still feel depressed but not like before. i feel relieve a little after i told God what i feel. The feeling you get when you have someone to talk to.

Few days later, God shows me His miracle, someone called me and told me that i don't need to worried about my financial anymore and stay focused on college cause she will be my sponsor. oh My God!!! can you imagine how happy i am? i don't need to burden my parents anymore. that's sponsor really relieved me from all my problems, like family problem and college problem.

I do believe God also intervened. this is His way to help me and to told me that he's always with me and He'll help me everytime i need Him. It's His way to told me to not be afraid and keep strong to face my problems cause He will never ever leave me alone.

Also, God always give me what i want, it may not all at once, but yet, it is. He give me older brothers which i always want because i'm the first born child in my family, also the first born grandchild on both side family.

Last but not least, i just wanna thanks God for everything i have, for every miracle that happen to me and my family. i'm so grateful to having Him as my Savior and My God. Thank you for always being with me, beside me, comfort me and helping me facing all my problems. I LOVE YOU GOD ♥

Don't Judge People By Their Religion

First, i want to say that i'm not a religious person. I am Christian, but i don't go to church everyweek, sometimes i went to club and have fun. i drunk and i hangover. but still, i trust in The Lord, i still pray to him everyday i wake up and when i wanna go to sleep.

I always have Obelus with me wherever i go. that's enough to prove that I'm a Christian. but again, don't judge me because i went to club and get drunk, when i didn't go to church on Sunday, or etc. just because i do that thing, doesn't mean its forbidden for me to go to church. why not?

You can't judge people because of their RELIGION. just because i'm a Christian, doesn't mean i must go to church everyweek and don't try to force me to go to church everyweek. that's frustrating.

FYI, i don't care what your religion is, as long as you are respect and doing good to me, then it's ok. I believe there's no religion that teach their people bad thing, they always teach the good one. it just the people who do bad things on their own. not their religion.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Memahami Orang Tua Kita yang sudah Menua"

Banyak anak muda yang merasa cukup terganggu dengan ayah/ibu yang sudah usia lanjut dan cerewet, suka ngomel, banyak bicara dll.

Namun tahukah Anda bahwa sebenarnya dengan cerewet, suka cerita, ngomel, dll, ini sebenarnya bentuk verbal catharsis, yaitu orangtua mengeluarkan unek-uneknya sehingga setelahnya hatinya akan menjadi lega dan nyaman.

Selama orangtua masih mau bicara, mengeluarkan pikiran dan terutama perasaannya dalam bentuk verbal, ini tentu sangat bagus, daripada mereka hanya diam saja. Semakin mereka diam, tidak ada komunikasi, maka akan semakin tidak baik bagi diri mereka.

Sebagai anak kita perlu bijak memahami kondisi dan situasi orangtua kita. Seorang rekan dokter yang sedang dalam proses sertifikasi hipnoterapis berkata, "Walau saya bisa hipnoterapi, saya tidak akan mensugesti ibu saya agar tenang dan tidak cerewet lagi. Memang Ibu saya ini cewewetnya minta ampun. Namun, justru inilah yang membuat Beliau bisa selalu sehat dan panjang umur. Saat ini Beliau berusia 92 tahun."

Saat kecil, kita cerewetnya minta ampun. Kita bicara hal-hal yang tidak penting, suka mengulang-ulang apa yang sudah dikatakan atau ditanyakan. Namun, karena saat itu kita masih kecil, masih baru belajar bicara, cerewetnya kita dianggap lucu dan menyenangkan. Saat seseorang menjadi tua, suka atau tidak suka ia akan kembali seperti anak kecil. Namun, karena sekarang tubuhnya sudah tua, renta, dan keriput, cerewetnya tidak lagi lucu dan menggemaskan, malah terkesan menjengkelkan.

Sayangilah orangtua apa adanya, dengan segala keluguan dan kekurangan mereka, selama mereka masih ada bersama kita. Suatu saat nanti, saat suara mereka sudah tidak lagi terdengar, kita pasti akan kangen dan merasa kehilangan.

Ingat, nanti kita juga akan menjadi tua, renta, keriput, dan cerewet seperti orangtua kita.